
You can buy our products here in our online store but also in our showroom located at: Mesogi Avenue 9 Pafos, Cyprus 8280.
We are located in Pafos. Our address is: Mesogi Avenue 9 Pafos, Cyprus 8280.
You can contact the sales department via e-mail or call us: 0037 262 203 58
Finish an order in our webshop to receive a quote or contact our sales department via e-mail or phone: 0037 262 203 58
You can contact customer service via e-mail or call us: 0037 262 203 58
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Use the search icon in the upper right corner of our website or browse our product categories in the navigation bar at the top of the site.
Your solar panels will last for 30 years or more. Your converter will last from 10 to 20 years.

A photovoltaic system basically consists of solar panels, wiring and an inverter.


Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include your order number so we can help you faster.
You will receive an e-mail or a phone call from us when your order is ready to be received.
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. Please have your order number ready so we can help you faster.
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58 Please have your order number ready so we can help you faster.
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will help solve the problem. Please have your order number ready so we can help you faster.

Payment methods

We currently accept the following methods:

  • Direct banktransfer

Shipping & delivery

Yes, the fee will be calculated according to your place of residence, weight of the package and the shipping method. Once you finished your order and requested a quote you will see the Shipping costs on the quote we send you.

Our items are transported from our warehouse in Pafos, Cyprus.

Your order is usually delivered between 2-4 days within Cyprus. It may take 2-7 days if you live in an area that is difficult to reach. And longer if you live outside of Cyprus.

All European countries.

In order to avoid losing orders, we ask someone to be present to pick up your delivery or for a concierge/concierge to be willing to accept and keep the order for you. Couriers will call upon delivery, so we ask you to have your phone handy for any special instructions that may need to be given to the courier.
Yes. You can pick up your order from our showroom located at: Mesogi Avenue 9 Pafos, Cyprus 8280. You will receive a phone call or e-mail from us when your order is ready.
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will help you resolve the issue.

Returns & refunds

Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will get back to you with instructions to return or exchange.
This can take up to a few days or weeks, depending on your payment method and bank.
You can find our return policy here.
You may receive a full refund or a new product if that’s the case. Contact customer service via e-mail or call us: 0037 262 203 58 Please keep your order number ready so we can help you faster.


You can buy our products in our webshop but also at our showroom located at: Mesogi Avenue 9 Paphos, Cyprus 8280.

We are located in Paphos. Our address is Mesogi Avenue 9 Paphos, Cyprus 8280.

You can contact the sales department via e-mail or call us: 0037 262 203 58
Finish an order in our webshop to receive a quote or contact our sales department via e-mail or phone: 0037 262 203 58
You can contact customer service via e-mail or call us: 0037 262 203 58
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Use the search icon at the top right of our website, or browse our product categories in the navigation bar on top of the website.

Your solar panels will last for 30 years or more. Your inverter will last for between 10 and 20 years.

A PV system basically consists of solar panels, cabling and an inverter.


Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include your order number so we can help you faster.

You will receive an e-mail or call from us when your order is ready to be picked up.

Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. Please have your order number ready so we can help you faster.
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. Please have your order number ready so we can help you faster.
Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will help solve the problem. Please have your order number ready so we can help you faster.

Payment methods

We currently accept the following methods: 

  • Bank transfer

Shipping & Delivery

Yes, the fee will be calculated according to your place of residence, weight of the package and the shipping method. Once you finished your order and requested a quote you will see the Shipping costs on the quote we send you.

Our items are transported from our warehouse in Pafos, Cyprus.

Your order is usually delivered between 2-4 days within Cyprus. It may take 2-7 days if you live in an area that is difficult to reach. And longer if you live outside of Cyprus.

All European countries.

In order to prevent lost orders, we ask that someone is present to receive your delivery or that a doorman/front-desk be willing to accept and hold the order for you. The couriers will call upon delivery so we ask that you do have your phone handy for any special instructions that may need to be given to the courier. 

Yes. You can pick up your order from our showroom located on: Mesogi Avenue 9 Paphos, Cyprus 8280. You will receive a call or e-mail from us when your order is ready.

Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will help you resolve the issue.

Returns & Refunds

Send us an e-mail or call us: 00357 262 203 58. And we will get back to you with instructions to return or exchange.

This may take up to a few days or weeks depending on your payment method and bank.

You can find our return policy here.

You may receive a full refund or a new product if that’s the case. Contact customer service via e-mail or call us: 0037 262 203 58 Please keep your order number ready so we can help you faster.

Can't find your question?

Fill in our contact form and we will get back to you with a response as soon as possible.
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